The goals of EXPeRT were to empower research on pediatric VRT by promoting cooperation between the national groups behind its foundation, supporting the creation of other such groups elsewhere in Europe, and fostering international collaboration schemes with other networks further afield. The EXPeRT’s founding members had several specific objectives to work on over the years. They aimed first to pool their national retrospective series of specific types of VRT to obtain series large enough to allow for them to examine risk-stratified treatment strategies. This would subsequently provide a frame for arriving at a consensus on treatment recommendations. Then, promoting research on pediatric VRT required the establishment of a structured organization. Moreover, EXPeRT wants to bundle expertise and to provide advice to physicians confronted with children with VRTs.
If you would like to participate in EXPeRT and actively join the group, please contact us either via representatives of your national working group for rare pediatric tumors or directly via the following e-mail address: